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Full Time Artist: Ep.7 Moving on

Wonder Con has ended.
What was once my most successful and most anticipated show ended up being my biggest failure of this year so far. So one big lesson learned here is; What once was your best show could end up being your worst. And what was once the worst could end up being a gold mine. You also can't take for granted what other people say about certain shows because each show is different for everyone. One thing you CAN take for granted at every event is the networking, you always learn something new. So if you're not selling, go and talk to people and learn as much as you can.
A lot of times I focus too much on how much money I think I will make at an event when the goal should be to enjoy what I do, to have fun with what I do. I am personally guilty of expecting too much sometimes. And my wife constantly reminds me of that. I need to change my mindset in this game. And for anyone who is interested in stepping into this game, that is the one piece of advice I can give you. Do it for the love of it. Do it because creating art is what makes you happy. Stick around long enough and the money will eventually come (and if it doesn't, well, I can say I died trying, lol)
It is hard to figure out what went wrong at Wonder Con. All I know is that it was a huge shot to the ego. But these are the moments that count the most. These are the moments that can make you or break you. These are the moments when you need to stand back up, brush the bullshit that you tell yourself after a failure off and keep moving forward. So, instead of banging my head against the wall dwelling on what could've been or what went wrong I am now focusing on this upcoming weekend. This weekend I will face a completely new crowd and hope to captivate a whole new audience. This weekend is Days of the Dead in Burbank, CA. A Horror Convention with a nationwide following. So it's something to look forward to. And if I don't achieve financial goals, I know that I will at least learn something new about myself and about this new crowd. It is always fun to test new waters.

For the next few months Comic Conventions will pretty much be on ice until September when I go to Portland for Rose City Comic Con. So I have a series of Night Market events to look forward to. This will give me some time to recover from the comics crowd and truly focus on my original content and personal projects.

That's it for today. Enjoy some Alfred knowledge and my latest YouTube video below.

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